No. 81 Smith General Contracting Toyota GR Supra News and Notes: Twitter: @CSmith_Racing I Facebook: Chandler Smith I Instagram:  @csmith_racing From the Driver’s Seat: Chandler Smith: “Darlington is a track I really want to perform well on. We’ve been working on Darlington in the sim and at the shop, so I feelContinue Reading

No. 18 Friends of Jaclyn Foundation Toyota GR Supra News and Notes:  X: @sheldoncreed I Facebook: Sheldon Creed I Instagram: @Sheldoncreed I Website: I YouTube: Sheldon Creed Sheldon Creed, Driver of the No. 18 Friends of Jaclyn Foundation Toyota GR Supra:  “With Darlington being your favorite track on the schedule, what are youContinue Reading