Lure of fishing draws Truex to Milliken State Park and Harbor

As an avid fisherman, Martin Truex Jr., driver of the No. 78 Furniture Row Racing Toyota Camry, enjoys anytime he can put a fishing line in the water. On Wednesday, the fisherman side of Truex was able to appreciate the day along the Detroit River.

He was in downtown Detroit at Milliken State Park and Harbor to promote fishing in the state of Michigan and the upcoming Pure Michigan 400 at Michigan International Speedway on August 28.

“I love fishing here,” Truex said. “I am actually going to spend the whole week next week in Michigan just fishing for vacation. I love to fish. I love to fish in Michigan as well.”

There is no better way for Truex to enjoy a Pure Michigan day than along the picturesque Detroit River.

Truex was immediately impressed by the scenic view along the Detroit River and could not wait to start fishing. But first he had to put his fishing pole down and talk to the media. During the entire session he kept sneaking a glance to the river to locate his favorite spot.

Truex even sat down to do a Facebook live chat with the fans to discuss the upcoming Pure Michigan 400. He had his fishing pole leaning against the table next to him just in case the urge became too hard to resist. If you missed it, you can view it here.

Then it was finally time to fish and start the fun. He cast his line with Michigan Lt. Governor Brian Calley to see who could catch the biggest fish.

Soon fans started to arrive to enjoy a beautiful day along the Detroit River fishing. Truex spent the afternoon talking lures, tackle and fishing experiences with the fans. He even took the fish off the hook when fans caught one.

Truex is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys spending his free time with a fishing pole in hand. In fact, he often spends extended time in Michigan for both NASCAR Sprint Cup races at MIS to fish in any of the lakes in the state.

But don’t ask him about his favorite fishing locale. He keeps those private so he can get the biggest catch.

Michigan is home to world-class freshwater fishing with 3,000 miles of Great Lakes shoreline, more than 11,000 inland lakes, and tens of thousands of miles and rivers and streams. With low licensing fees and a large variety of species to choose from, the fish are always biting in Pure Michigan. Visit to learn more.