F1 cars will pass by 22,881 slot machines each lap during the Vegas GP

The folks at VegasInsider analysed the casinos dotting the Las Vegas GP circuit and worked out the number of slot machines, poker tables, blackjack tables and more, that the likes of Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton and more will pass by each lap.

Here are some key findings:

  • 22,881 slot machines will be passed by the cars during each lap
  • ARIA is the hotel with the most slot machines – 2000
  • 331 poker tables, 694 Blackjack tables and 121 Roulette tables will be passed by each lap
  • The Venetian is the hotel with the most poker and blackjack tables

The data was sourced from Casino City and you can find the entire research, with a sortable table, here

Adam Sinclair