There are many story lines brewing with many ASA Member Tracks finishing their 2011 seasons.  Three drivers have secured their track championships, Newport Motor Speedway’s top-three could be a factor for the National championship, and Barry Beggarly is showing that age doesn’t matter to be successful in auto racing. ShelbyContinue Reading

U.S. Army Racing drivers Ryan Newman (NASCAR) and Tony Schumacher (NHRA) paid solemn tribute Thursday to our nation’s heroes in powerful, emotional visits to both the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery and the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial. Schumacher and Newman were humbled and honored by theContinue Reading

When NASCAR announced its new-for-2011 Chase “Wild Card” element earlier this year, this is probably the scenario they envisioned heading into Saturday night’s “One Last Race to Make The Chase”—the Wonderful Pistachios 400 at Richmond International Raceway. An unprecedented 14 drivers have a shot at three remaining spots in theContinue Reading