Thrilling Turn of Events at the Speedway: Newgarden Claims Victory After Rain Delay

Race day brought an emotional rollercoaster for fans and participants alike, marked by delays, intense competition, and an exhilarating finish. Doug Boles, President of Indianapolis Motor Speedway, made three critical announcements that shaped the day’s events, ensuring safety while maintaining the excitement of the race.

The Day Begins with a Safety Call

The day’s first significant update came from Boles early in the morning. In a move prioritizing safety, he announced the closure of the stands due to adverse weather conditions. “We are closing the stands to make sure that everyone is safe,” Boles stated, highlighting the Speedway’s commitment to the well-being of its attendees. The stands remained closed, leaving fans anxiously waiting for further updates as rain continued to impact the schedule.

Clearing the Way for Racing Action

At 2:30 PM, Boles addressed the crowd again, this time with more hopeful news. “We are drying the track,” he announced, signaling that preparations were underway to resume the day’s racing activities. The stands were reopened, and anticipation built as fans took their seats, eager for the action to begin. The race, initially delayed, was now scheduled to start around 4:30 PM.

The Race Begins

True to the revised schedule, the race commenced at 4:45 PM, kicking off with immediate excitement. The first lap saw the first yellow flag, a quick reminder of the unpredictable and high-stakes nature of racing. However, the brief setback did little to dampen the spirits of the drivers or the enthusiasm of the spectators.

A Battle to Remember

The race’s climax came in the final 20 laps, where an intense battle unfolded between Josef Newgarden and Pato O’Ward. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as the two drivers pushed their limits, exchanging leads and showcasing exceptional skill and determination. The fierce competition continued right up to the last half-lap, where Newgarden managed to secure a narrow but decisive victory over O’Ward.

Celebrating with the Fans

In a joyous and somewhat unconventional celebration, Newgarden once again slipped through the fence to join the fans, sharing his victory directly with those who had cheered him on. This gesture not only highlighted his appreciation for the supporters but also reinforced the deep connection between the drivers and the racing community.


The day’s events were a testament to the resilience and passion of everyone involved – from the organizers ensuring safety, to the drivers delivering an unforgettable performance, and the fans whose enthusiasm never waned despite the delays. Josef Newgarden’s dramatic win, achieved in the final moments of the race, will be remembered as a highlight of the season, exemplifying the unpredictable and thrilling nature of motorsport.
