McClure Posts Disappointing 26th-place Finish at Iowa Speedway

Looking to continue the TriStar Motorsports team’s forward progression in the NASCAR Owner and Driver standings, Eric McClure returned to Iowa Speedway for the second time this season with high hopes.  Unfortunately, his hopes were shattered as a hole in the secondary oil line forced the team to spend a short stint in the garage area to repair the line.  Even though the team returned to the track eight laps down to the race leader and in the 33rd position, McClure and his Hefty Racing® team persevered and were able to salvage a 26th-place finish in the US Cellular 250.

“Honestly, I am at a loss for words.  We had a solid car this week.  We messed up a little bit in qualifying and had to start near the rear of the field but we were progressing and waiting for an opportunity to gain track position.  The gauges were fine, so we were hoping it was just a tire rub but, unfortunately, one of the oil lines had a hole in it.  Once the problem was fixed, we were passing cars that were ahead of us in the running order but there wasn’t any sense to do anything but ride around.  It’s disappointing that these things happen to us every time.”

Starting the race from the 36th position, McClure gradually began working his way through the field and was scored in the 29th position when the event’s first caution flag was displayed on lap 22.  Reporting that the car was “a little free on entry and a little tight on exit,” Crew Chief Gary Cogswell brought the car to pit road for a track-bar adjustment and fuel.  Following the stop, the TriStar Motorsports team was scored in the 23rd position for the lap 27 restart.

When the field took the green, however, McClure spun his tires, which resulted in a few positions lost by lap 31.  Just when the driver got back in his rhythm and was in line to regain the positions lost, smoke began to pour from underneath his No. 14 Chevrolet.  One lap later, the second caution flag was displayed, so McClure, who was on the lead lap but headed to pit road, came back onto the track hoping the smoke was from a tire rub rather than an engine issue.  Unfortunately, the No. 02 car bounced off of the turn four wall under caution and into the right side of the Hefty® BlackOut™/Reynolds™ car, resulting in cosmetic damage.  Once on pit road, the team discovered oil was leaking from the engine.  Unable to determine the cause on pit road, the car was pushed behind the wall where the team quickly discovered a hole in one of the auxiliary oil lines.  Once repaired, McClure returned to the track on lap 56, eight laps down to the race leader and in the 33rd position.

Upon returning to the track, the Hefty Racing® team utilized the remainder of the 250-lap event to work on the handling of the No. 14 Chevrolet and use the knowledge gained in planning for other short track races this season.  In the end, McClure was able to advance seven positions to finish the US Cellular 250 in the 26th position and was able to maintain the 27th position in NASCAR Owner Standings.

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