National Kindergarten Biking Program Seeking Support from Motorcycle Community

 Kindergarteners across the nation are currently learning to ride a bike in school as part of their year-long curriculum.

All Kids Bike® is a national program on a mission to teach every child in America how to ride a bike. The program equips schools with everything they need to teach children how to ride; teacher training and certification, a structured 8-lesson curriculum, a fleet of 2-in-1 Learn-To-Ride Bikes, Pedal Conversion Kits, fully-adjustable helmets, and a five-year support plan.

Launched in March 2018, there are already 225 schools in 35 states with All Kids Bike Kindergarten PE Programs. With the ambitious goal of teaching 5,000 kindergartners to ride, their fundraising goal is set at $50,000. Every $10 teaches one kid to ride.

Their fundraising page states: “For many kids, a bike is the first form of transportation; the freedom to go where you want to go and be who you want to be. Kids who love bikes grow up to be adults who love all things on two wheels. That’s why the motorcycle community understands the importance of teaching kids to ride a bike at a young age. The sooner you learn the fundamentals of balance, spatial awareness, and confidence on two wheels, the more likely your desire to go a little faster, farther, and feel the engine roar.”

All Kids Bike National Ambassador, and Klock Werks President, Brian Klock, supports the movement, stating: “Getting kids on bikes early is a key to healthy living, better community and the future of our industry. For minimal dollars expended, the return on the investment per child is monumental.”

The Kindergarten PE Program is designed for children of all abilities and hopes to instill healthy habits at a young age. “One of the best ways to get kids active is to get them excited about bicycles,” says All Kids Bike board member, Ryan McFarland, “It’s a skill that is going to serve them in life.” 

To learn more about the program or make a donation, please visit

Adam Sinclair