NASCAR Captures Three Prestigiou​s Marketing Awards For Its Assets, Platforms

Last night at the American Business Awards (ABA’s) in New York City, NASCAR won two awards for special events that were created by NASCAR for official partners.

NASCAR After The Lap (NATL) won an award for Best Consumer Event, while the NASCAR Fuel for Business Council (NFFB) won for Best Association Event or Meeting. At a separate ceremony held on May 16, NATL also won a Brand Innovators Award for Experiential Marketing.

NFFB is a program that brings together an exclusive group of more than 50 Official NASCAR Partners to get more out of their sponsorships, specifically creating the ideal setting for partners to get together to buy and sell products and services from one another. Since the NFFB’s 2004 inception, it has facilitated hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenue and savings to its participating members. For example, Ford has sold more than 20,000 vehicles through the NFFB. The next NFFB meeting will be held Friday, June 22, in San Francisco.

NATL, developed in 2009, is a fan event that takes place annuallyduring the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Champion’s Week in Las Vegas, Nev. The event features the top-12NASCAR Sprint Cup Series drivers and is known for its unfiltered, “tell-all”format. One of NASCAR’s most successful and entertaining fan events on the calendar, NATL will continue for a fourth year on November 29 in Las Vegas.

“NASCAR is known as the best sport for business and one that provides unprecedented access for its fans to see drivers,” said Norris Scott, NASCAR vice president of partnership marketing and business solutions. “NFFB and NATL are shining examples of working for our sponsors. This award further recognizes the efforts of many to make it work, we are honored to be part of the ABA’s list of award winners.

The ABAs were created to recognize and raise public recognition of the achievements and contributions of businesses worldwide.The Brand Innovators Award acknowledges leadership and innovation in brand marketing. NASCAR beat out well-known big brands, such as Cadillac and Nickelodeon to win the award.