Father’s Day Takes On New Meaning for ARCA Veteran Tom Hessert

For Tom Hessert, Father’s Day isn’t so much about traditional back yard barbeque celebrations like it is for so many other families. It is about recognizing your Father, recognizing everything they have done for you and spending time with them.

And for Hessert, the holiday now carries a new significance to it, as this is the first year that Hessert will celebrate with a son of his own, Tom Hessert IV.

“Everybody always says, and it’s very cliche, that you’ll never understand until you’re a parent, but it truly is amazing. It gets better and better everyday,” said Hessert.

Since his son was born almost a year ago, every little thing that he accomplishes each day means a great deal for Hessert. Nothing is more rewarding to him than watching his son learn and explore and to see him smile doing it.

“Every little thing that our son learns how to do is such a big deal to me and my wife,” said Hessert.

Balancing being a full-time racer with a career and a full-time dad has been difficult for Hessert. It’s lead to him being away from his family often; something no parent wants to do, but a necessary sacrifice for him to continue pursuing his passion.

Hessert will spend Father’s Day this year mostly away from his wife and son racing in the ARCA Racing Series presented by Menards – Montgomery Ward Father’s Day 200 at Madison International Speedway. Not exactly a traditional Father’s Day for Hessert, but he is using this as an opportunity to spend time with his own father Tom Hessert II, something that he has always done in the past and hopes to continue doing in the future.

Regardless of how often Hessert is away from home or however many hours he spends on the road, he always makes time for his family. Hessert savors every chance he gets to be at home and spend time with two of the most important people in his life; something that he looks forward to doing after the race June 19.

“I’ll be looking forward to getting home to [my son] on Sunday night. Hopefully I’ll be waking him up, which will probably make my wife mad, but hopefully getting to hold him and be with him as much as I can for Father’s Day,” said Hessert.

For Hessert, the chance to be with his son for his first Father’s day is a monumental occasion that he wouldn’t miss for anything.