Dear Dad, Thank you for making me a race fan

Ever since its inception back in 1947, NASCAR has been a family sport. Names like Allison, Earnhardt, Petty, and many others prove that the love of racing intertwines with the love of family. 

I was no different. My dad introduced me to NASCAR from the day I was born. To this day, it’s something we still are heavily involved in. 

While my dad’s story isn’t the same, family did take part in his love for NASCAR. Growing up in the outskirts of Springfield, Mo., the St Louis Cardinals was the main focus through the Vestal household in the 80’s into the 90’s, until the MLB strike in ‘94. With no other sport on TV at the time, my grandpa and dad switched to NASCAR, and the rest was history. 

My dad was a Jeff Gordon fan from his late teens til the day Gordon retired in 2015. He proved this too, buying shirts, hats, die-cast, and even stuff like a light switch cover and a Jeff Gordon flashlight (the late 90’s and early 2000’s were a crazy time as a NASCAR fan). 

Dad worked Road Construction since 2001, to support my mom back at home with me and two future daughters on the way. Most of the job sites he worked at were anywhere from two to four hours away from our home in Nevada, Mo., meaning that he would only be able to come home on late Friday nights, and head back to the job on Sunday evenings. 

So what did dad want to do when he got a chance to kick back and relax? Watching racing, and that’s exactly what happened. As a young kid, I actually despised NASCAR due to the fact that us kids weren’t allowed to touch the remote when dad was home. But when you’re forced to watch something every weekend, you pick up on a lot, and eventually get to enjoy what’s on the TV. 

When Dad noticed that I was starting to peak an interest in racing, he did what every good dad would do, and bought tickets to a race. So in October of 2009, my dad, myself, his brother and my cousin went to the Xfinity Series race (back then known as the Nationwide Series). 

I still remember that day like it was yesterday. The loud engines screaming by, the smell of fuel and burnt rubber, and a packed house at Kansas Speedway (Yes, even a Nationwide race had packed crowds back then). The feeling was electric and I was hooked, all thanks to my dad. 

Without my dad, I’m not sure if I would have ever known about NASCAR. But luckily, I don’t have to worry about that. Memories like going to Kansas Speedway once a year or special trips to Daytona and Texas, racing was a part of our life, and I’m glad I got to spend those memories with my dad. 

So dad, if you are reading this, I wrote you something. 

Dear Dad, 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to racing. We’ve spent a lot of weekends sitting in the living room watching racing, and I’m glad you were there with me. I’m not sure what life would look like if we didn’t have racing in our life, but I’m glad we don’t have to live in that reality. Whether it’s the time we stayed up super late to watch a rain delay race; listening to NASCAR Radio in the truck going fishing; or you and mom taking me to a race at Texas for my birthday 10 years ago, those memories of us are some that I will cherish forever. Thank you, and Happy Fathers Day. 

– Kaleb

    Kaleb Vestal
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