The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) announced today a historic technology partnership with Freescale Semiconductor and McLaren Electronic Systems to develop and integrate fuel injection systems into the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, targeted for the 2012 season. Freescale will provide the processors for McLaren’s engine control unitsContinue Reading

Tom Carnegie, the voice of the famed 500-mile race and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway passed away Friday at the age of 91.  Growing up in Pennsylvania and Indiana, veteran Indianapolis 500 and Brickyard 400 driver John Andretti came to love that voice each May and again later in the summer when the NASCAR Sprint CupContinue Reading

The best piece of news that Furniture Row Racing driver Regan Smith received during the offseason was that he qualified to participate in NASCAR’s traditional opener – the Budweiser Shootout, scheduled for Saturday night (FOX), 8 p.m. ET. When NASCAR released the new qualification criteria in mid January for the non-points, 75-lap, 187.5-mile race at Daytona InternationalContinue Reading

The high-speed thrill of NASCAR racing will take STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) professional development to the high banks of Daytona International Speedway next week.  That’s when 24 educators from six schools in an around Daytona Beach come together and engage in turns, spins and pit stops to improveContinue Reading