Transcript: Pit Road Interview – Joey Logano – Martinsville

Q. You start the race in the back. You go a lap down at one point. Didn’t like the handling for a good portion of the day. Somehow this 22 ends up second, though.

JOEY LOGANO: Solid recovery for what the start of the race looked like. We went down a lap twice, two times. At one point in the race I would have been just happy to finish on a lead lap.

And Paul did a good job of getting some good changes to the Verizon Mustang to where it got competitive. We just needed track position. Was able to stay out and get a lucky caution there during a green flag cycle. Stayed out again when everyone pitted and put us on the front row and a shot to win the race.

I tried holding off Larson as long as I could, but overall there’s days when you are mad about second. Today is not one of those. Today is when you are pretty stoked that you finished a little better than I thought we were going to.

Q. What was it that you needed more out of this race car? I know that you had start in the back, but it seemed like it never woke up for you.

JOEY LOGANO: We just couldn’t get the car to rotate through the center of the corner. I was just so slow right in the center, and I couldn’t make any passes for that reason, so I was trapped back there.

There was one change that woke it up a little bit, and I was, like, all right, I’m decent now, but I’m trapped. It was really hard to pass.

So, like I said, Paul was able to give me what I needed to get towards the front. And then fight hard with Larson. I didn’t have a fighting chance there. He drove away from me so quick, but he was pretty patient. I knew I was going to get bumped. That was the only way he was going to go by me was he was going to have to get physical. Nothing wrong with that. It was fun. Like I said, overall it feels like a win considering how the day went so far.