CHEVROLET NCS AT IOWA: Allmendinger Accident Quotes

AJ Allmendinger, No. 16 Action Industries Camaro ZL1 – Sidelined by damage sustained after a tire issue in the first stage.

Did it feel the same as yesterday, as far as the car, or is it any different?

“No, the warning signs were there. I told my team the lap prior, two laps prior, that I thought we were going to blow a right-front. The angle was a lot better, so I got it slowed down enough that I didn’t feel anything inside the car.”

So it was almost like a different issue, as far as the tire issue?

“I think these tires give you at least a warning sign. I could feel it getting really tight. Yesterday, there was no warning sign to it, so it was a shock. Today, I kind of felt it coming when it blew. It kind of turned off into the corner, so I could definitely check up enough. The angle was just way better.”