Austin Cindric Iowa Practice Accident Quotes

Austin Cindric, driver of the No. 2 Menards/Moen Ford Mustang Dark Horse, had a tire go down in practice and hit the wall. He spoke about the incident, which will not require a back-up as the team is preparing to fix the damage.

AUSTIN CINDRIC, No. 2 Menards/Moen Ford Mustang Dark Horse – THERE’S NEVER A GOOD TIME FOR THIS TO HAPPEN, BUT AT LEAST IT HAPPENED IN PRACTICE. “We certainly weren’t one of the only teams to have tire issues, but it definitely seems like there are some limitations. It was a good lesson to learn maybe before the race, but there’s a lot of work for the team to get ready for qualifying tomorrow. It’s unfortunate, but I’m glad we’ve got time to get one ready for qualifying.”

DID YOU HAVE ANY SENSE IT WAS ABOUT TO GO? “I had no indication. We were doing a 20-lap run and I was just starting lap 20.”

THE TEAM IS GOING TO FIX IT, RIGHT? “Yes. My job is getting dinner.”

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