RFK Announces Partnership with Lumafield as Part of RFK TeK Alliance

RFK Racing is excited to announce a new official partnership with Lumafield, which will join the RFK TeK Alliance family of partners. Lumafield will equip RFK Racing with its industry-leading Neptune Industrial X-Ray CT Scanner technology. This advanced technology will enable RFK Racing to gain a deeper understanding of part quality, proactively identifying potential issues and flaws before they impact performance on the racetrack.

Combined with Lumafield’s innovative Voyager software, this system provides RFK Racing’s engineers with unprecedented insight into blind assembly issues, material and manufacturing flaws, and many other aspects previously beyond the reach of existing technologies. Additionally, the introduction of Atlas, an AI co-pilot for engineers, will further enhance the sophistication and accuracy of these insights, marking a new era of innovation in motorsports.

“This partnership represents a monumental leap forward for RFK Racing as we strive to become the technological leaders in motorsports,” said Kevin Kidd, RFK’s Director of Software and Analytics. “Lumafield’s unparalleled products offer capabilities that are second to none, and access to these innovations gives us a significant advantage in the current era of NASCAR racing. We are thrilled to embark on this journey with Lumafield.”

“We are excited to partner with RFK Racing, a team that shares our dedication to speed, performance, and engineering excellence,” said Eduardo Torrealba, Co-Founder and CEO of Lumafield. “Lumafield exists to help engineers do their best work, faster than ever, and we look forward to helping RFK set new standards both on and off the track.”

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