Saturday August 31 races at Evergreen Raceway canceled due to weather.$8 GA Pack The Track Night moved to Friday, Sept. 6

Due to the projected evening forecast of rain and thunderstorms Evergreen Raceway has made the unfortunate decision to cancel tonight’s racing program, one they were very much looking forward to for Pack The Track and an $8 general admission.

The 2Seater Ride-along has also been scrubbed but will be rescheduled for a later date.

However, all is not lost as the next scheduled event, which is Friday, September 6, will now be held as Pack The Track. Raceway owner Jason Makarewicz felt strongly that he does not want to pass up on the discounted admission for the support of his loyal fans and will once again offer a special $8 front gate ticket.

Next Friday’s racing will see the 602 Crate Modifieds, Harry’s U-Pull-It Street Stocks, Himmer Graphics Four Cylinders and the Rotten-and-Forgotten. Racing will start at 7:00 pm. More details will follow.

For complete up to date news and information please log onto the official Evergreen Raceway website at or on Facebook at

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