Leavine Family Racing Announces the Return of Camp 95

What: Leavine Family Racing is excited to host Camp 95 for the fourth year in a row. This camp is open to high school students who are interested in learning more about various careers in NASCAR, from engineering and building racecars to marketing and sponsorship roles.

Who: High school students (rising 9th-12th) will have a chance to explore and ask questions about different careers within the motorsports field.

Why: Camp 95 is designed to showcase the many different career areas not only in NASCAR, but all motorsports. Many kids dream of working in NASCAR but don’t know where to start or how to get involved. Camp 95 can help high school kids determine a potential career and education path.

When: Tuesday, July 10th – Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

Tentative Tuesday Schedule: 12pm – 5pm

Tentative Wednesday Schedule: 9am – 2pm

The application for Camp 95 will be available on LFR95.com from April 2- May 12, 2018. Late applications will not be accepted.

Where: Leavine Family Racing will host Camp 95 in their shop in Concord, NC.